Tech Company Chooses Detroit Firm’s Standing Water Reduction System

DETROIT — Parjana Distribution LLC says its proprietary drainage technology is being used by a world-renowned technology company in Washington state.

Parjana officials said they aren’t allowed to name the company, but that it installed nearly 4,000 feet of its Energy-Passive Groundwater Recharge (EGRP) pipe to remove a persistent standing-water problem on about a half-acre of land adjacent to the company’s headquarters.

The Parjana system uses gravity to remove standing water from the surface. A typical installation includes dozens to hundreds of 10- to 20-foot-long plastic tubes with C-shaped chambers open to the outside, roughly as big around as a quarter, driven into the ground a few feet apart (see photo above). In the ground, the EGRP system acts as a gravity-powered water pump, pulling water from the surface. The devices also move water horizontally, equalizing the amount of water in soils all along the tubes’ length.

In dozens of installations, the Parjana system has eliminated ponding problems at golf courses, college campuses, airports, and other sites.

The Washington installation took place Monday, Sept. 11.

Said Joe Kramer, Parjana partner: “Our created-in-Detroit solution to reduce standing water and storm water runoff has been successfully installed in locations worldwide. For a site of this size and topography we are highly confident that employees of this technology company will have a nearly half-acre mini park that will be free of standing water come spring of 2018.”

Added Parjana CEO Greg McPartlin: “Whether we are installing this water reduction solution for a global tech company, a university, stadium or private homeowner, we approach each project with the mission of providing the client with a lasting solution while minimizing the construction and cost of traditional trench and sewer systems that are overtaxed with development expansion.”

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